The pilot action of cultural mediation-interpretation for immigrants from third countries from the Region of Crete continues

The Region of Crete (Regional Observatory of Social Integration), in collaboration with the 7th Health Region of Crete, are re-implementing the pilot action of cultural mediation - interpretation for immigrants from third countries (outside the EU) within the European project INCLUD EU (AMIF) of the International Migration Agency (IOM) & IOM Greece.

As part of the pilot action, info points operate in the two hospitals of Heraklion, PAGNI and Venizelio, which support mediation-interpretation between immigrants and medical, nursing and administrative staff to facilitate service and accessibility their rights and health benefits. They also provide information on how hospital services work. Mediation takes place in the following languages: Arabic, Farsi and Dari and is part of the effort to strengthen the social integration of third country immigrants in the regions.

The pilot action is supported by the Educational Development PILOT and will last until the end of August 2023. It is financed by the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

More information about the project: