Project Includ -EU -Brief texts and good practices on accessibility issues for third country immigrants in health, education, work, housing, participation

"One of Includ-EU’s specific objectives is to enhance local and regional actors’ knowledge and capacities to implement innovative integration measures, including through the analysis of existing good practices and the formulation of thematic policy recommendations.

These briefings are the result of a collaborative mapping process of successful multi-stakeholder, multi-level, and public-private partnerships in different dimensions of Third Country Nationals inclusion in the Includ-EU target countries, in line with the new Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-27.

Specifically, the briefs analyse the state of play with respect to each of the issues covered in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, also focusing on the broader implications for the social inclusion of migrants".

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Labour Market inclusion  

Fostering participation and encounters with host societies

- Access-to-healthcare 


Project partners:

Donor: Funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union (DG HOME)

Project period: January 2020 – September 2023