Chara Kokkinou

Scientific Associate

Chara Kokkinou (female) is a PHD student in Sociology of Work (University of Crete) holds a MSc in Sociology (University of Crete, School of Social Studies) and a MA in Philosophy (University of Crete, School of Letters) and has a Bachelor in European Culture (Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities).

Since 2017 she has been research associate in research projects at UCRC (University of Crete Research Center for the Humanities the Social and Education studies). The research projects Charoula has participated in focused on Social and Solidarity Economy and the protection of the migrants and unemployed, European Transnational Solidarity on migration, unemployment and disabilities in times of crisis, and in youth political participation in times of increasing inequalities.

Before UCRC (2013-2015) she was research associate in research projects at the University of Manchester (Law School and Alliance Manchester Business School), where she focused on issues related to employment precariousness and the effects of austerity reforms on collective bargaining. She also participated in the research as part of the technical assistance provided by the International Labour Office (ILO) on the effects of the austerity measures on collective bargaining in Greece during the period 2010-2015.