Actions to strengthen the participation of immigrants and integration mechanisms in Crete with the support of the Region of Crete

The first cycle of training and information activities of the European project "EMV-LII - Strengthening the Voices of Migrants for Integration & Social Inclusion at Local Level" organized by Symbios - School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe in Greece, in collaboration with the Heraklion Development Agency and the Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion of the Region of Crete, was successfully completed. The activities were hosted in Heraklion in the first ten days of October 2024 and concerned, on the one hand, strengthening the participation of migrants in the civic and public spheres and, on the other hand, increasing the capacity of local and regional authorities to implement participatory processes in social integration and inclusion policies for migrants. In this direction, the objectives and priorities set by the National and Regional Strategy for Social Inclusion (ESKE, PESKE of Crete) are utilized, following the principles of the European Social Pillar ("Europe 2030"), as well as the current institutional framework and new technologies.


Participation in the two days event entitled Commons in Entrepreneurship. The Social Economy in Practice

Τwo days event for Social Economy entitled "Commons in Entrepreneurship. The Social Economy in Practice", is held by the Region of Crete - Regional Development Agency of Crete (PANETAIK) SA, on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 May 2022, at the Cultural & Conference Center of Heraklion, under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, in collaboration with the Regional Observatory of Social Inclusion. 


Participation in the 4th meeting of the Regional Committee for Gender Equality of Crete (PEPIS Crete) for the National Action Plan for Gender Equality 2021-2025

The 4th Meeting of the Regional Committee for Gender Equality of Crete (PEPIS Crete) was held by teleconference, chaired by the Deputy Regional Governor of Public Health and Social Policy, Lambros N. Vamvakas, with the participation of Presidents and Representatives of the Municipalities and executives of the social services of the Municipalities and the Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion of the Region of Crete.


Information Web Page on workplace harassment

In the context of the implementation of the actions of the Program "Actions to Promote Gender Equality in the Region of Crete 2018-2020", with the support of the Region of Crete and under the scientific responsibility of the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS) of the Hellenic Mediterranean University ELMEPA), the link was created to inform employers and employees about harassment in the workplace.


Teleconference for "Violence against Women: Empirical data and intervention practices"

The 1st Internet Conference of the Region of Crete-Regional Committee for Gender Equality (PEPIS Crete) was held with great participation by the public, in co-organization with the Municipal Committee for Gender Equality of Heraklion (DEPIS Heraklion), on "Elimination of Violence against Women data and intervention practices ". The great response of the public that attended the day online demonstrated the great interest of the citizens in the issue, demonstrating the timeless necessity of highlighting the phenomenon.


European Project Includ-EU of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) for social inclusion of immigrants

The Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion implements the project ''Includ-EU'' of AMIF Programme. The project aims to build more cohesive European societies by enhancing the exchange of knowledge and experience, cooperation and the development of partnerships between local and regional authorities from Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain. It brings together local and regional authorities committed to the social integration of third-country migrants, with differing knowledge about the realities of migration and expertise on social inclusion. More info to:
