Information Web Page on workplace harassment

In the context of the implementation of the actions of the Program "Actions to Promote Gender Equality in the Region of Crete 2018-2020", with the support of the Region of Crete and under the scientific responsibility of the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS) of the Hellenic Mediterranean University ELMEPA), the link was created to inform employers and employees about harassment in the workplace.

The Program was designed and implemented under the partnership of the Region of Crete (Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion), the University of Crete (Department of Sociology / Laboratory for Gender Studies & Department of Computers) and the Hellenic Mediterranean University (Social Work Deparment / Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS)). The link contains information about:

- The legal framework for workplace harassment and workers' rights.

- The immediate actions that the employee must take as soon as he experiences the harassment.

- The bodies to which he can turn for help It also includes an information guide for stakeholders.