Participation at the partners' meeting in Venice of the European project "FILO" for Fighting Eldelry Lonileness
The Region of Crete (Regional Observatory for Social Incusion) participated in the 5th meeting of the partners of the European project "FILO": "Fighting Loneliness" ("Fighting Loneliness"), of the European Program ERASMUS +, in Venice. The meeting was organized by the Social Cooperative for Training and Employment in Venice, in the framework of the project processes related to the exchange of good practices in the field of dealing with loneliness of individuals on age 65+.
The ultimate goal of the project is to formulate proposals in the formulation of innovative vocational education programs to meet new social needs in this field. Apart from the Region of Crete, the project involves the University of Rotterdam (Netherlands) as a lead partner, the Municipality of Rotterdam (Netherlands), the Rochelare Care Company (Belgium), the Community Center of Social Action (France), ENSA - European Social Network of Social Services (Brussels based in Italy), the Social Cooperative for Training and Employment in Venice (Italy) & the Municipality of Nacka (Sweden).
In Venice, good practices were presented regarding the activation of people 65+ and their autonomous living in the community in:
a. from engaging in various activities such as physical exercise, group participation, social and cultural life
b. the use of new technology
c. specially designed houses
d. the provision of specialized health services and support. The need to adapt the vocational education and training programs to meet the needs of the field and to explore the prospect of developing such programs in the partner regions according to the needs and specificities of each system was also discussed.
The meeting was attended by the executives of the Region of Crete Katerina Vlasaki (Head of the Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion of the Region of Crete) and Markaki Kalliopi (Head of the Department of Social Solidarity of Rethymnon Prefecture).
The project is implemented in the Region of Crete by the Independent Department of the Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion.
More information about the project: Vlasaki Katerina ( & Markaki Kalliopi (